0086-10-62665166     Stock Code:300472

The Commissioning Ceremony of Tianjin New Universal Science and Technology Co., Ltd.

Release time:2017-01-09

The commissioning ceremony of Tianjin NewUniversal Science and Technology Co., Ltd. was held in the Baodi economic zone inTianjin on Jan. 6th, 2017. Mr. Xin Chunming, Ms. Xu Chunhua, Mr.Zhou Zhizhong, Mr. Zheng Yusheng, Ms. Li Cangcang, Ms. Fan Wenru and other 300insiders attended this activity.

This new factory takes 60 thousand squaremeters. The building area is about 40 thousand square meters. 170 million isinvested to realize an annual net profit of 38 million. This project was set upin 2013, approved in 2014, started to build in 2015, and completed in July2016. In Sep. 2016, it started the trial production. The production officiallybegan in Jan. 2017.  

Speech of Zhu Yesheng, the managingdirector of NEWU

NEWU made continuous progress, overcamechallenges and lead the industry in the last ten years. NEWU is always stickingto technology innovation, product structure optimization and R&D efforts. AfterNEWU was listed, a lot of new opportunities are awaiting. For now, NEWU is focusingon intelligent manufacturing, environmental protection, internet of thingsbased on big data and cloud computing, intelligent logistics and informationmanagement system. As a primary manufacturing base and research center, TianjinNEWU is going to become the first-class company, attract a lot of advancedtalents and lead the development of economic zone. NEWU follows the concept of “Industryis the base of country. Give back to community and society.”. We create manyjobs and boost the local economics. The foundation of Tianjin NEWU is amillstone for NEWU’s development. NEWU is becoming a group company. We areconfident that Tianjin NEWU will become the model company in Tianjin in future.

Ribbon-cutting Ceremony

The ceremony is a new beginning for NEWU. Weare going to build the first conveying and dosing experiment center in China. Withour excellent employees, Tianjin NEWU will become a rapidly growing high-techcompany. Since Tianjin NEWU was established, we received the help fromleadership, design, construction and other departments. We will grasp thisopportunity to develop high-quality products and explore our markets.

Intelligent Interactive System Developed byNEWU

Part of the Digital Plates Workshop

All the participants witnessed the greatmoment of foundation of Tianjin NEWU, had a factory tour together and kept thebest hope for NEWU.

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