Thissystem can weigh accurately and inject the oil material into the internal mixeraccording to the formula.
This system can weigh accurately and injectthe oil material into the internal mixer according to the formula.
1.Oil conveying: dewater tank, oil transfer pump, thermal insulation pipes and control parts.
a. Circulating conveying:
Drummed oil or oil from oil tanker isunloaded and poured into the oil tank. Oil pump draw the oil to circulate inthe thermal insulation pipes. When the oil request comes, the feed valve opensautomatically and the oil is pumped into the weigher. Then accurate amount ofoil is fed into mixer. This system can keep the oil temperature uniform.Therefore, it can serve many internal mixers at the same time.
b. Batch conveying( transit tankis equipped):
Drummed oil or oil from oil tanker isunloaded and poured into the oil tank. Oil pump draw the oil to fill thetransit tank on high through the thermal insulation pipes. When oil isrequested, the feed valve opens automatically and the oil flow down into theweigher by gravity. Then accurate amount of oil is fed into mixer. This systemis suitable for internal mixers with lower volume. And it can only serve a fewmixers efficiently.
2.Oil weighing and injection:
Consistof weigher, pump, pipes.
Technical parameters:
京ICP备05048247号 版权所有 开元体育(中国)制造有限公司 E-mail