Industrialwaste gas is heated up to over 800℃, and then VOCs are oxidized, decomposed into CO2and H2O. The heat generated in the oxidation is absorbed by a heatrecovery media. Due to the recovery mechanism, this is an energy-savingequipment. The recovery efficiency is over 95%.
(1)、More advanced technologies thantraditional RTO.
(2)、There are two rotors locatingat the inlet and outlet respectively. The exhaust gas is heated evenly aspassing the equipment, leading to low volatility of air pressure at inlet andoutlet.
(3)、The inside structure isstack-type. Turbulence is formed easily.
(4)、The rotors and sealing areasare smaller, which makes maintenance easier.
(5)、RTO applies to large flowcapacity (over 2000CMM) environment. Removal efficiency is over 98%.
(6)、Low energy and maintenancecost.
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