0086-10-62665166     Stock Code:300472

Digital factory management—MES

  • Overview:

         TheManufacturing Execution System (MES) is a digital factory management softwarewhich is developed by Newu independently. 

  • Details

         TheManufacturing Execution System (MES) is a digital factory management softwarewhich is developed by Newu independently. It is an integrated management systemof the whole production process, including material flow, storage, equipmentoperation, production schedule, cost accounting, production supervision, reportsoutput, raw materials tracking, equipment maintenance, quality test, peoplemanagement, etc. The system can send the real-time status and information ofall the process to users with different authority. Meanwhile, all the originaldata is stored in database in specific format. It can be queried and reviewedwhenever needed. MES is a data-sharing platform connecting every workshop andmanagement department. With MES, cost control, production efficiency and peoplemanagement will be optimized, and products competitiveness will be promoted,too.

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